

Want to sing contact Alison on 0417705424 


The Chorale is a non-auditioned community-based SATB ensemble with membership open to singers 15 years and over. All new members meet with the musical director at their first rehearsal to enable them to place the new member within the choir's appropriate vocal section (soprano, alto, tenor, or bass).

Membership fees are payable on an annual basis. The current rates are $100.00 for adults and $80.00 for concessions (pension card holders and students). There are also uniform expenses (see below), and members are required to purchase a Chorale folder (black) for $10.00


All members are required to wear the Chorale uniform at performance events.

Ladies Uniform: The Chorale’s red dress and two overlays (afternoon and evening) are provided for $80.00. All ladies must also purchase a Chorale badge for $5.00 to wear with their uniform.

Male Uniform: Male members of the Chorale must wear a black dinner suit, white shirt and black bow tie. Red pocket inserts are provided free of cost. All men are required to purchase a Chorale badge for $5.00 to wear with their uniform.


Standard Chorale rehearsals are held on Monday nights from 7:30-9:30 pm at the George Hogg Performance Venue, Ipswich Orpheus Chorale Complex, 122 Chermside Road East Ipswich (click here for a map to the Complex). Additional rehearsals are called on an ‘as required’ basis throughout the year.


The Chorale’s Librarians issue music for performances to members free of charge. All music must be returned to the Librarians at the end of each performance.

Copyright © 2025 Ipswich Orpheus Chorale